Joining our school

West Ashton is a wonderful, happy and welcoming school. 

Click here to get in touch and book a tour

Led by Headteacher Mrs Alex Blake-Thwaite, our children are taught in 4 classes:

  • Shooting Stars - EYFS children
  • Comets - Y1/2
  • Discoverers - Y3/4
  • Voyagers - Y5/6

The teachers work closely together across the school to provide rich learning experiences for all the children.  This starts with a strong emphasis on the core and key skills in reading, writing and mathematics, mixed with and extended by activities that engage the children with their learning and make it fun for everyone.  Our Foundation Stage outside classroom and school field give us plenty of room for outdoor learning, while our garden of reflection provide opportunities for more contemplative learning and development.

The school has strong links with St John's Church in West Ashton and have several services throughout the year in the church.

We hope that this website will give you a taste of what we can offer and encourage you to come and see what we can offer your child. 

Give us a call on 01225 754 354 or email to arrange a visit or for any additional information.