West Ashton Student working in class


Our school aims to provide a place for all children whose address is within the designated area of West Ashton; defined as in the area within the ecclesiastical boundaries of the parish(es) of West Ashton.

A full-time school place is available for children from the September following their 4th birthday in our Reception class. Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 will be admitted to school September 2025. Parents can request their child attends school part-time until their child reaches compulsory school age.

Deadline for Application for Admission to Reception Year in September 2025

Applications for Reception Year entry for the academic year starting September 2025 need to be formally registered with the Local Authority School Admissions Team at Wiltshire Council by noon on 15th January 2025. Please see our admissions policy for more information about the process.

Please come and visit our school if you are interested in us as we recognise that this is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child; this can be arranged through the school office. We are always happy to meet with new families.

Applications Outside the Normal Admissions Round

In-year applications for the school year 2024-2025 outside the normal admissions round (e.g. children moving into the area or children wishing to transfer from another school to West Ashton Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School should be made directly to the Local Authority Admissions Team at Wiltshire Council . Please do come and visit our school first as we would love to meet you; this can be arranged through the school office.

Admissions Policy

The full admissions policy can be downloaded from the policy tab.  Our policy is (while there are adequate places in each year group) to offer a place to all applicants irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, disability or academic ability.

Our school participates in the Local Authority's Fair Access Protocol.

Where our school is named in a child's Statement of Special Educational Needs, the governing body recognises a duty to admit the child to the school.

Where parents wish to be given preference on the grounds of their faith within their application for a place at our school they should complete the school's supplementary information form (SIF) which is available below or from the school office. This form must be completed and returned to the school together with documentary evidence by 15th January 2025, if it is to be considered during the admissions process. Confirmation of status may be requested from the relevant priest or pastor.

Over-subscription criteria

A full list of the over-subscription criteria can be found in our Admissions Policy on the policies page under the Key Documents tab.


Our Governors have considered admissions for 2024/25 and will admit a PAN of 16 pupils. Any comments can be directed to the Chair of Governors via admin@westashton.wilts.sch.uk or direct to our school office in writing.

Click here to see our admission policies and supplementary information